Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Grand Canyon

Immediately after we visited the Hoover Dam, we drove off to the Grand Canyon. It was a lengthy drive, but I knew that the key thing to see was the sunset. The way the light reflects off the canyon walls makes it look like the entire valley is on fire. It's absolutely stunning.

Perhaps the sad truth about these photos is that they are completely incapable of capturing how truly majestic this place is. Yes, it is a giant hole in the ground. But it is a truly incredible hole in the ground. It's hard to fully understand how minuscule you are until you stand atop the canyon and look down.

We were completely ill-prepared for how cold it was going to be at the canyon. Foolishly, I believed that being in the south would somehow mean we were going to be warm. Ha! The cold and snow did make for an interesting contrast along the top of the canyon. There was even a snowman.

Along the way, we saw a place called Bullets and Burgers. Unfortunately, I didn't know about that place beforehand. But that seems like a prime candidate for a visit in the future.

Grand Canyon National Parkhttp://www.nps.gov/grca/index.htm

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